Hey there, fellow time travelers. We all long for our cozy corners in this universe, but let's face it, we're all cruising down this wild conveyor belt of time. But here’s the beauty - we get to occupy our own compartment in this space-time continuum and we get to paint it with memories we have collected so far. Sometimes its painted a furious red when we're on fire, a vibrant green when we feel rejuvenated, a damn joyful yellow some mornings, and that pitch-black when everything's a mess.

And finally we get a chance to cross paths with each other. We’ve waited for you to put on those headphones or crank those speakers a notch higher and invite us into your space. Maybe it's a solitary night or a hangout with friends who share the same wavelength. We want to unlock another dimension, right at that intersection of familiar and new, but most importantly to make this ride unforgettable. 

Every note we play and every word we let loose, is there to find you. Even though we're scattered across this big blue planet, guess what, we're just a few minutes away to take you along on a ride – our fellow travelers.